You could always give the Google Charts API a go...
Easy and very clever...


2009/2/27 Thomas Ibbotson <>

> Hash: SHA1
> javadayaz wrote:
> > looks like it is command line based. so probably not for me then ! :(
> >
> Don't be so scared of the command line, it's not so hard to learn to use
> gnuplot. If you didn't know how to use a GUI application you would have
> to spend some time learning, the only difference being with a GUI you
> can guess which buttons to press.
> So to get you started:
> To start gnuplot, just type "gnuplot" at a terminal, then you'll get a
> prompt looking something like this:
>        G N U P L O T
>        Version 4.2 patchlevel 3
>        last modified Mar 2008
>        System: Linux 2.6.27-11-generic
>        Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2008
>        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
>        Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual.
>        The gnuplot FAQ is available from
>        Send bug reports and suggestions to
> <>
> Terminal type set to 'wxt'
> gnuplot>
> To plot a graph of sin(x) here's what you'd type:
> gnuplot> plot sin(x)
> and a graph of sin(x) should pop up in a window.
> If you have a file with data in it, as long as they are in columns
> gnuplot can plot them easily for you:
> gnuplot>plot "data.txt"
> where data.txt looks something like:
> 1  1
> 2  4
> 3  9
> 4  16
> 5  25
> If you have more than one column, you use the "using" modifier i.e.
> gnuplot> plot "data.txt" using 1:3
> which tells gnuplot to plot columns 1 and 3 from the data.txt file.
> The other important thing to know is how to write something to a file.
> First you need to decide what type of file you would like to output,
> such as "png" or "postscript". So here are the commands you would type:
> gnuplot> set terminal png
> [This sets the file to be of type "png"]
> gnuplot> set output "mygraph.png"
> [This opens the file for writing to it]
> gnuplot> plot "data.txt"
> [This plots the graph and puts the output into the file]
> gnuplot> unset output
> [This closes the file]
> This is all just straight off the top of my head, so it's really not
> hard to use once you've played with it a bit. There's plenty of good
> information on the web for using gnuplot, but if you find yourself
> stuck, don't hesitate to ask. As you might have noticed I quite like
> gnuplot and would be willing to help...
> Of course you can always type "help" at the gnuplot command line for
> some interactive help.
> gnuplot> help
> Tom
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkmoS5QACgkQFRlp6kAWdpuABACfZQelt5dylDP/VXY7+8lr8f7x
> D0oAmwYFSjvmU6gPlrfYSMZmQH9psgGP
> =C3Ke
> --

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