On 12/02/2009 12:31, Chris Weaver wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm working through the rather painful process of moving our radio
> stations (Resonance104.4FM) computers from XP to Ubuntu Intrepid.

Hi Chris,

Out of interest are you just moving over some of the PCs (such as Sales, 
Admin staff, Presenters e-mail desktops) or the whole lot (such as 
Playout systems, News PCs etc)?

I provide IT for a couple of radio stations in the South West and I'm 
looking at moving some of their PCs over to Ubuntu but due to the fact 
that they use Scoop and Myriad from P-Squared I have a feeling I'll have 
to keep some installs of XP.

(I haven't shown them Rivendell yet).



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