Quoting Simon Wears <munkyju...@googlemail.com>:

> My mum is a home care NHS nurse, and when I was talking to her about her
> work computers a while back, she told me they use a mixture of systems. I
> know they use MS computers for things such as creating documents, but they
> also use something else (I think a specialist *nix system of some kind) to
> store patient records and other medical notes on, for security reasons.

I did a stint in the NHS as a student nurse.  There was a  
windows-based PAS (Patient Administration System) that everyone hated  
but had to use because Management ordered it and a green-screen-based  
PAS which everyone loved because it was simple and easy to use.

Never did find out what the system ran on but it looked like either  
Solaris or HPUX when the green-screen sessions sometimes dropped to a  
cmd line.

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace


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