2009/2/8 Vinothan Shankar <neversaymon...@googlemail.com>:
> I've created a petition to the Prime Minister to make the primary OS in
> schools free and open source - it can be found at
> http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/nonMSschools.  To anyone that points
> out I should have suggested Ubuntu for Education, the first submission
> did, but was rejected on the grounds that it was "promoting commercial
> products or services".  The petition should probably also have pointed
> out that schools could keep the same hardware, but petitions there are
> restricted to 1000 characters including spaces.
> Please sign.

I don't think I will sign. Simply, I don't think that schools should
teach how to use MS Office or OpenOffice. What they should teach is
how to use a spreadsheet and a word processor. A selection should then
be made available and the students allowed to get a feel for different
methods. This will encourage them to realise that there is more than
one way to do it.

The bottom line is, I don't like OpenOffice being locked out and would
rather see schools use it alongside other alternatives including MS
Office and even LaTeX.

Philip Stubbs


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