On 25/01/2009 17:53, Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/1/25 Rob Beard<r...@esdelle.co.uk>:
>> On 25/01/2009 15:00, Kris Douglas wrote:
>>> Cheap 2GB stick:
>>> http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Memory/Laptop/Arianet+2GB+PC2-5300+SO-DIMM?productId=34393
>> I'd recommend the Aria memory.  I have two sticks of it in my Acer
>> Aspire 2920, was well worth the purchase, cost me about £25 ish.  Other
>> than that you can't go wrong with Crucial memory.
> Just to be clear, i wasnt advocating buying from Crucial (although I
> have in the past, and had no problems other than them not being the
> cheapest), but just suggest using their memory advisor as it seems to
> be quite a comprehensive database of computer motherboards and their
> respective memory requirements.
> Cheers,
> Al.
I'd agree about their motherboard advisor.  I've yet to find an advisor 
that is as good as Crucials.  If I'm after something specific for a 
customer I generally pay the little bit extra and get Crucial memory, 
especially considering they usually do free 2 to 3 day delivery.  I just 
went for the Aria memory as it was cheap and for my own laptop.  I have 
used other generic Aria memory in a couple of motherboards and it seems 
to work okay although I'm not sure how well it would work in maybe a 
Dell PC or something like that which may be a little bit more fussy.



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