The only issue I've got with Ubuntu is the media player selection. I'm trying to find a nice media player (preferably GTK, and very preferably not mono) but I'm having a hard time - specifically because I'd like one that supports video podcasts. I've tried a few, but I've not really been to happy, including:
- RythmBox - Great simple music player, but I can't get video podcasts, which is the major letdown. - Banshee - I liked this because it wwas very similar to Rythmbox, but I can get video podcasts. I however had a few bugs using it, such as when I clicked 'Skip track' on the notification box for Now Playing, it opened my dropbox, and I never understood why. Also, after a few episodes, podcasts stop downloading / being readable, by which I mean they either failed to download, or they downloaded, and Banshee decided they were corrupted. After deleting and retrying, it still happaned. - Amarok - Amarok 1.4 is my favourite media player, but no video support. Amarok 2, although it has video support, was a big let-down for me, and I really don't like the new interface. Also, after subscribing to a podcast in it, it didn't seem to want to download anything reguardless of what I did. I'm sure there's one out there, but I can't find it. Anyone know of one that may make me happy? Cheers, -- Simon Wears | Manchester Metropolitan University Computing Student