On Thu, 2008-12-25 at 17:55 +0000, Matthew Wild wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Josh Holland <jshholl...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I just bought a VPS hosting with the intention of setting up a mail
> > address for myself at j...@jrh.co.uk . AFAICT, this involves setting up a
> > nameserver, which could also be run off the same VPS. Looking at the
> > community docs, to run a name server I need to register a domain name
> > for some extortionate price. Is there any way to bypass this, or am I on
> > completely the wrong track? (btw it is a BitFolk bottom spec hosting
> > running Hardy)
> >
> Without a domain name other mail servers have no way of locating your
> VPS among all the other servers on the internet. jrh.co.uk, as with
> probably all short domains, is already registered (you can type in a
> console to check: whois jrh.co.uk).

Thanks for the whois trick. I had just been typing them into Firefox and
seeing what turned up.

>  For what it's worth though,
> domains aren't that extortionately-priced, especially .co.uk's
> (usually £10 for 2 years).

Really? I went onto nominet (or somthing like that) and saw £92 which put
me off somewhat.

> My VPS provider, Bytemark, has their own nameservers for use by
> customers, so I haven't bothered setting one up myself. I don't know
> about other hosts though.

BitFolk do provide nameservers.

> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix is a starter on installing
> postfix, one of the most common mail servers. At the bottom are links
> to other guides - Postfix will only handle the sending and receiving
> of mail... if you want to read the mail it has received to your
> mailbox, you will usually want to set up a POP/IMAP server also (the
> alternative is ssh'ing to the VPS to read your mails there).
> Hope this helps,
> Matthew.

I'm  perfectly happy working from the Community docs.

Josh Holland aka madmartian
Find me on #ubuntu-uk

My system: Dell Inspiron 1300 with fully up-to-date Intrepid
Intel Celeron M 1.70 GHz, 512 MB


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