2008/11/30 Matthew Macdonald-Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> And finally to all those who voted - A record number of you (89) for any
>> vote in Ubuntu-UK's history.
> Do we know what that is as a percentage of the Ubuntu-UK Community?

There are around 100 people in the #ubuntu-uk irc channel, 474 members
of the launchpad ubuntu-uk team, and 547 members of the mailing list.

Obviously there will be some overlap between those groups.

So of the 474 people who could possibly vote, 89 did, which makes for
a turnout of around 19%.

Your original question referred to the Ubuntu-UK Community, and that
number is harder to define. There are plenty of Ubuntu users in the UK
who aren't on the mailing list, launchpad team or irc channel.



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