Christopher Swift wrote:
> Thanks for the response Paul however I can get Steam to work perfect 
> normally through Wine and such clients. The question/discussion was 
> more of what your views are on the possible Steam port and if you are 
> looking forward to it or not? :)
> On a side note, yeah I've been away petition signing, every little helps!
> Regards,
> Chris.
Well personally not being a PC games player it won't really affect me 
that much I don't think, but I certainly think it's good for the 
community that games developers are possibly starting to sit up and take 
notice of Linux.

Maybe these days porting between consoles and PCs is becoming easier 
that they are able to support Linux cheaply too?

IIRC I've read stories about porting games from the XBOX360 to PS3 and 
vice versa so I guess technically it would be possible to port the games 
to Windows/Linux too - or at least a fair whack of the game such as 
graphics, audio, game engine etc.



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