Jim Kissel wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Okay so all this talk of Windows free laptops got me thinking about 
>> plumping for a cheapo netbook to tide me over until next year when I can 
>> afford something a bit more powerful.
> Most of the latest generation of netbooks have 1.6 Ghz Atom processors 
> of which Intel's Otellini says: "...the Atom processor, which packs the 
> power of a PC-class processor from six years ago..."
> http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2008-05-28-otellini-intel_N.htm
> And if you check wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_4 the 
> "Northwood" is the chip of 2002.
> I feel this is a fair estimation of the Atom's ability.  Personal 
> experience with the 701 and 901 leads me to believe the Celeron in the 
> 701 has a slight edge over the Atom in the 901.  I don't have any stats 
> to back this up other than the 701 boots faster than the 901.

Ahh I see.  Hmm... probably not what I was expecting but then again at 
the moment the Thinkpad I'm using has a P3-700 in it.

I would eventually be looking for a dual core laptop but I just need 
something to tide me over (and maybe eventually pass on to the kids to use).



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