I have for a while been trying to get TV out to work on a PC running 
Mythbuntu. I spoke to Dave at the Linux Expo a couple of weeks ago, who 
mentioned xrandr to me.

It turns out that it was already installed in Mythbuntu. I managed to 
play with the settings in Mythbuntu and got the TV out to work, sort of, 
as a separate X display. But the display on the TV is black and white, 
not colour, and it only shows the XFCE logo in the middle and some 
default desktop icons on the left. I can move the mouse from the monitor 
to the TV okay and open the icons on the TV desktop. I also tried a 
different s-video cable, but it made no difference.

I then managed to get the TV out to be a clone image of the monitor, but 
still only in black and white. I have upgraded Mythbuntu to 8.10, which 
seemed to offer better choices/design of the nvidia settings, with the 
latest drivers.

Any ideas how to get the TV out image to be in colour?

David King


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