(Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested)
The next DFEY-NW meeting is next Sunday - 19th of October, in central 
All young people who have interest in issues of freedom and education 
are more than welcome to attend.

You can find the full information here:


To mark the upcoming meeting I have written a short piece about why DFEY 
exists and what I think it is there for.
Your comments opinions and thoughts would be very welcome.

     DFEY stands for "Digital Freedom in Education and Youth"
     what that actually means in practise I'll get to in a second.

When you think of the word "freedom", the first thing you probably think 
of is freedom of speech - the freedom to say what you want to say, when 
you want to say it, where you want to say it.

There are various groups and non-profit organisations commited to 
preserving various aspects of freedom in a digital world;

* The Free Software Foundation campaigns to keep software free of 
restrictions which prevent the user adapting the software to their own 
purpose as opposed to business models that rely on restrictive licences 
to curtail the user's freedom to adapt the software.
* The Open Rights Group campaigns to keep data and content free, and in 
the hands of the the end users - as opposed to those who are likely to 
abuse it.
* Open Street Map is a project to create a detailed digital map of the 
United Kingdom through individuals mapping their local areas using their 
own handheld GPS devices.

These are just some examples of the many organisations who advocate and 
explore the concept of using freedom to create 'cool' things in the 
digital world.


You can read the rest of the article at http://www.blog.tdobson.net/node/249

If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us
still has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
has two ideas.   -  George Bernard Shaw


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