Quoting Andrew Oakley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 07/10/2008, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace   
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm looking for recommendations for data centres outside of London,
>> preferably close to the England/Wales border or in Wales itself.
> I'd recommend against FastHosts in Gloucester, as their customer
> service is abysmal.
> Star Internet in Gloucester are a sister company to the MessageLabs IT
> security empire and excellent. Although they have London datacentres,
> you can specifically request to have your kit based in their
> Gloucester Barnwood datacentre.
> http://www.star.net.uk/star/home/hostingoverview.stml
> I'm biased since ML are my former employers.
> You might find a warm fuzzy glow from knowing that MessageLabs offices
> in Gloucester host the Gloucestershire Linux User Group meetings (do
> come along, next meeting 21st Oct evening), providing us with free
> seminar room, free coffee and blazingly, blazingly fast free wifi
> (ideal for downloading distro DVDs, and yes they really don't mind).
> I have a Virtual Private Server hosted in BlueSquare in Maidenhead,
> Berks. It's west of the M25, but not by much. I'm based in the
> Cotswolds and connectivity has always been superb.
> http://www.bluesquaredata.com/
> My VPS is through CheapVPS, part of Verio:
> http://www.cheapvps.co.uk/
> http://www.vaserv.com/
> Server, should you wish to run ping tests:
> isis.aoakley.com
> Sample 10 meg file stored on my server:
> http://www.aoakley.com/misc/novellini-bowser-20070724-1800.3gp
> The server runs Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server.

Wow, that was comprehensive! Thanks, I'll check out starnet and I  
might even make the LUG meet as I'm in Monmouth... :o)

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace


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