On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 01:26:14AM +0100, James Tait wrote:
> Need to be straight to the point, battery running low.  Someone (Popey?)
> mentioned something several months ago about a group of people getting
> New FreeRunners and a discount being available.  I'm looking to jump on
> that bandwagon -- can anyone remind me of details and whether the
> initiative is still alive?

There are a few initiatives of people grouping together to get a freerunner. 


Personally I'm not getting one any time soon. Having played with a Neo 1973 
and been on the openmoko mailing list, it's not for me. Instead I got a 
Nokia N82 which has a few features the OpenMoko doesn't, and more 
importantly - works and works reliably - which for me is more important in a 
phone than "Runs Linux".



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