> I had this a couple of years back on a Linux backup server which I used
> to copy PC backups to.  Turns out it was because it was full of little
> files they took up lots of room.  Not sure if you have lots of smaller
> files on your disc that could be doing this.  Could you try tarring
> everything into one big tar file to see if it does the same thing?

Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestion to see what would happen
and indeed creating a tar file seems to work fine and creates a tar
file with almost the exact same amount of space as the source drive. I
don't understand why lots of files in a reiser3 filesystem taking up
436G space end up taking up lots more space (> 530G) when copied to
another reiser3 filesystem. Unfortunately the files in tar format are
not much use to me.

Is there any way I can copy the files over? Why is more space required?


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