On Sun, 2008-05-11 at 17:30 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> Alan, I think the list has been completely dominated by Javad asking
> question after question after question the last couple of weeks.

Yup, and I note that people have been very patient and helpful in
providing exceptionally detailed replies. Whilst you (and others) might
find that one person asking a lot of questions is annoying, the fact
that he's getting replies, and the replies cause further spin-off
discussions says to me that it's discussion people want to have.

That aside, I appreciate that it's possible that being a new user to
Ubuntu and Linux, Javad is asking a lot of questions which could somehow
annoy or irritate other members of the group.

It's a difficult balancing act.

> Be it a machine to download torrents, a way to rip video or something
> else it's constant... 

Many of those topics are of interest to many people. I was interested in
the remote torrent discussion - I have a box which I use for this.
Encoding video is also something I am interested in from the perspective
of someone taking .dv files and making usable video files out of them.

> Is this what this list is meant to be about?  I thought it was an
> advocacy list.

According to the description, it's "For organising Ubuntu stuff in the
UK.". I didn't set that, and I don't know who did.

Perhaps we need a better description of what this mailing list is about?

Suggestions welcome.

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