On Fri, 2008-05-02 at 09:00 +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> I want to have all the apps that i have installed now..including
> firefox addons and bookmarks....   

Burn /home (and all the directories/files starting with a ".") to a

> Short of taking screendumps of everything...is there another way?

as root:

dpkg --get-selections >> ~/current.packages

Check this file and remove any that you don't recognise/want to be
installed on the new version, then save it to a backup somewhere.

When you have the new system installed, run (as root)

dpkg --set-selections < /path/to/backup/current.packages

it should then install all the packages that are listed in that file
_and_ pull in any dependencies.

Hope this helps,


Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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