
Pete Stean wrote:
> Just as a slight aside I've been on Hardy since Alpha and installed
> updates as I've gone along. I seem to have accumulated all sorts of
> niggly little problems but last night decided to bite the bullet and
> re-installed clean from the Hardy release ISO (having my personal
> files under /home in a separation disc partition helps!)

I've been the same and am sore;y tempted to re-install from scratch. I
have a problem with CD burning at the moment which may be fixed by a
fresh install.

> Absolutely no problems whatsoever - everything (including my Logitech
> Quickcam Pro and Nova T- 500 dual tuner digital TV card) recognised
> from first boot up - very fast from switch-on to login too, and
> shutdown even faster.

I think you've convinced me!

> My one and only criticism is that the default torrent client,
> Transmission, is utter p*nts and isn't much better than the rubbish
> client it replaced. I've uninstalled it and am using Deluge in its
> place which is much more to my liking.

I've always used BitTornado, which has been good enough for my meagre
requirements. I've never been that impressed with bittorrent, direct
downloads have always seemed faster to me. Maybe it's the client I'm using.

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 870 136 1004
University of Manchester,           Mob: +44 (0) 773 330 0039
Manchester M13 9PL.                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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