Christopher Chatfield wrote:
> How do I permanantly disable networking in windows XP so that
> my savy teenage children will not be able to enable it.

If you have savvy teenagers Christopher then you are probably wasting 
your time!
It was having tech savvy parents in my teenage years that insisted on 
"locking down" my machine that made me learn about TCP/IP, command line 
etc along with all the other things that allowed me to circumnavigate my 
way around their blocks and get access to play my games online and chat 
to others.

In fact its probably a good way of preparing them for the transition to 

One thing though, and this is the main reason I replied, most games sold 
these days have a significant emphasis on online play, have you checked 
with the kids that you won't be spoiling their multiplayer capabilities?

All the best,



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