An event that should be of interest to some of you.
A sudden thought I've had - would it be possible to post notices of UK 
events to the Ubuntu-UK website? And perhaps provide an rss feed.


-------- Original Message --------
From: - Tue Apr  1 12:45:44 2008

UKUUG 'free' Evening talk

'OpenMoko (GNU/Linux on the mobile phone)' - speaker: Ole Tange

Wednesday 9th April, 2008 - Talk starts at: 6:30 p.m. (ends approx. 8:30 

Venue:  Cruciform Lecture theatre 2,
UCL, Cruciform Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

There is no need to book a place - just turn up.

see UKUUG web site for information:


OpenMoko is the GNU/Linux distribution that runs on the free phone Neo
Freerunner from FIC. It is completely Free Software. Being able to
completely control a cell phone gives new posibillities that people
only dreamed of.

Have you ever had a mobile phone where you have been
annoyed by some of the functionality and thought: "If only I had the
source code I could have fixed this annoying thing"? Then you are not
alone. The phone Neo Freerunner from FIC runs a completely free
operating system. Because it is free it is possible to try out completely
new ideas - even ideas that the phone companies make no money from.

The presentation will be about the possibilities and how you can take
part in this revolution.

About the speaker:

Ole Tange has worked as Hostmaster for .dk, as a security consultant,
as network admin, as site reliablility engineer, and is now working as

He has worked with UNIX since 1991, GNU/Linux since 1992,
and in 1996 he deleted his Microsoft Windows partition.

He has done lots of presentations on security, Free Software, and IT 
issues (such as software patents) - both for the general public and to
polticians. He is best know as the person behind Parallel, the
patented webshop and wordprocessor and Remindmail.

He sees a completely Free phone as the most disrupting that has happened 
the introduction of GNU/Linux.

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John Levin


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