Mark Fraser wrote:
> On Saturday 29 March 2008 18:23:32 Gavin Ford wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 06:12:51PM +0000, Tony Arnold wrote:
>>> If you do, you might want to consider using a VM technology such as
>>> VirtualBox or VMware to get an instance of Windows rather than dual boot.
>> Another alternative is WINE, that way you may not need a copy of Windows at
>> all.
> My biggest concern at the moment from looking at 
> is their reliance on Textease 
> Documents. I've tried running TeView under wine, but it doesn't work.

I managed to get it to work (at least the 30 day Demo version), what it 
does is install some dll's into ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Softease

What I did was copy these dll's into ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ 
Files/Softease/Textease\ 6/

It runs very slow though (and that's with a quad core CPU and 4GB 
ram!!!).  Not sure if it's either badly written or if it just isn't 
supported by Wine very well.

It also complains that I don't have the Arial font installed, so I 
presume that it needs the msttcorefonts package installing.

To be honest, after looking at the speadsheet, I bet I could do 
something like the examples included in OpenOffice in 5 minutes.

I wonder if it's worth us trying to find out whats required for the Key 
Stages (say 1 to 3) and seeing if we can't between us all put together 
some templates in OOo? (or if anyone's any good at programming, maybe 
put together a couple of applications).



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