
has anybody got this working ?  I found a thread on the Ubuntu support
website and it appears that 7.10 doesn't work with the DRAC.  When I
try installing the plugin, I get an error in the log file :-

     Install **FAILED** with error -240  --  2008-03-19 12:11:33

which I think is permissions so I tried the same process as root and got :-

**  this browser is not compatible with the Digital Video Viewer

     Install cancelled by script  --  2008-03-19 12:13:09

I think I'm missing something like a different reopsitory or plugin but
can't work out exactly what the problem is.  Any help would be greatly


ubuntu/users-2008-03-20.tx                                     ubuntu-users
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| You should make a point of trying every experience once -- except incest   |
| and folk-dancing.                                                          |
|         -- A. Bax, "Farewell My Youth"                                     |


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