On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Colin McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Back when Kent LUG experimented with it's KLUGcasts (which did feature one
> of Ubuntu-UK's presenters) I used The Conversations Networks Levelator
> (http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/levelator/) to sort out the levels from
> a skype recorded podcast.  It worked very very well considering our levels
> were all over the place!
> Might we worth trying, as could save a lot of post production time.
> Colin

That sounds like a good idea, because you can get community members
skyping in, rather than having them in the studio... I mean i know
something similar happens now, but you could have voice questions or
something from community members.

Kris Douglas
 Softdel Limited Hosting Services
 Web: www.softdel.net


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