On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Ciemon Dunville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy et al,
>  Thanks for all the feedback, and I do mean all. Nothing ever happens
>  without a negative side, and the secret is in understanding the
>  negativity so that it can be appreciated for the next time.
>  So far I think the only real criticism/comment has been the fact that
>  I was too far away from the mic which is easily fixed.
>  What we really need now is content suggestions, preferably recorded so
>  that we can play it in the show. So what do you want to hear about? As
>  the least technical member of the team I'm keen to make sure that the
>  new user is catered for as much  as the experienced.

Maybe someone that's working on the new Gnome updates (gvfs, is it?)
or the soon arriving Hardy release?

>  I look forward to hearing from you all.
>  Ciemon
>  -cake master

Mmm cake.

Kris Douglas
 Softdel Limited Hosting Services
 Web: www.softdel.net


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