Dianne Reuby
Collections Manager
Museum of Computing @ Swindon

On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 17:52 +0000, Kris Douglas wrote:
> What kind of problem are you having with the CMS?

We switched to CMS so that (in theory) any volunteer who was authorised
and who was willing could update the site. But it seems more complicated
than updating the HTML would be! The problem we had recently was that
only the left half of the editing area showed - so we can't access some
of the buttons, including the button that adds an anchor/link. So that
image should open the page with all the details on, but of course it
doesn't. We've tried it on several machines, and different monitors, all
the same result. :(

Personally I'm not very happy either with the fact that you have to put
"www" in the URL or you get a 404.

There's my whinge for the day. :)


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