>     > The reason I never got an eee was the ridiculous price - £220!!??
>     >
>     It's clearly not that ridiculous or they wouldn't have flown off the
>     shelves in the vast numbers that they have.
> £220 for a laptop which doesnt have a real keyboard, has a tiny 
> screen, and is generally just unusable (I have used one, Its awfull 
> since I havs stubby fingers, and since Im short sighted)  I could get 
> a much better used thinkpad X30 for the price.  £100 is an acceptable 
> price though, not as a main laptop, but as essentially a large PDA, 
> which is what I want this for.
Woah! Hold on there...

That's your opinion, In my humble opinion (as I've actually owned an Eee 
PC since they came out), it's a stunning bit of kit. It's got superb 
build quality for £200, it does have a 'real' keyboard, granted it's 
something like 80% of size of a full sized keyboard, but it's a tiny 
machine, it's supposed to be a tiny machine, so it's GOT to have a 
smaller keyboard. And yes, I do have sausage fingers, but after a few 
hours use, it feels like a normal sized keyboard to me now.
Yes, you could get an old laptop for £200, but you couldn't stick an old 
laptop in a large coat pocket, could you?
Yes, £100 would be a much better price, but be realistic, there is £150+ 
worth of hardware in there, so they couldn't sell it for £100....
"as a main laptop" - of course not, it's not designed to be a main 
laptop/PC, it's a tiny low powered, easily portable laptop - that's the 
point. The thing is tiny, the charger is tiny (like a mobile phone 
charger) - it fits in backpack hardly taking up any room. As for a large 
PDA... how many PDAs offer that kind of functionality???

You seem to have completely missed the point, it's not designed to be a 
cheap laptop, it's designed to a small laptop. The price is a bonus, 
given that UMPCs like to VAIOs cost £1200...
>     > I will start saving ASAP
>     >
>     If I were you I'd wait for the 8GB eee to come out and pick up a 2nd
>     hand 4GB ee which I'm sure some people would sell to upgrade :)
The thing is that the 8GB has been promised and rumoured for 2+ months 
now, and increase of flash memory, its only going to add to the price of 
the Eee2.
Given that Play.com are selling high speed 4GB SDHC cards for £10 inc 
postage, it seems daft to wait...
And who's going to sell if they can up the memory to 8GB for £10, and 
keep another 4GB taped to the underside of the case... :)

Best Eee PC comedy moment so far?
Sat in Wetherspoons with a friend of mine, the day after I go it, using 
Wetherspoons free wifi connection and the built in webcam to have a 
Skype video chat with a friend of ours in the next town...  Geeks huh?
#2 is reading my email in the car going down the M1 (no I wasn't 
driving) with a bluetooth connection to my phone and the phones 3G data 
connection... LOL not tried a Skype video chat in a moving car yet...


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