On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 20:59 +0000, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi Rob
> I have desperately been trying to find an article I read last month that
> would seem to fit your ideal nicely Rob and also keep the geek in you
> interested.
> The project was based on LTSP and worked in a kinda clustering sort of way.
> If memory serves each client on the network as it had spare CPU capacity
> would allow some of this capacity to be used to bolster up the main
> servers - obviously the clients being proper PCs together with a high
> bandwidth interconnect.
> It may well have been as a result of a posting here as I have a nagging
> suspision that it was detailed somewhere on schoolforge.net, or similar.
> I'll have some lubrication later on tonight and see if the grey cells can be
> bullied into working.
> E

Thanks Ian, this sounds a bit like what I was told about.  If you can
find the information I'd love to know.




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