davisjo wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I have tried to play a DVD and also a film on the hard drive but alas no sound. I have downloaded most of the video players and selected all sources to include all the codecs but still no sound. If I remember right, out teacher enabled the codecs via the terminal and a "build all" routine but have forgotten how to do it. Can anyone help please ? Also I have used Amule to download some music and saved it to a folder on the desktop. The music downloads and I clear the completed and then cannot find the files. I downloaded Amorok and enabled all the folders to search for music but it did not find any. I know it is there because people are uploading from me. Is there a way I can find it and also is it an issue with mp 3 codecs ? Best wishes for the New year to All, John

Hello John,

I would suggest you take a look at the Medibuntu repository for additional dvd stuff not included in Ubuntu. There are instructions and a package list at http://medibuntu.org/. Just add the repo as a new apt source and reload Synaptic.

I think once you have the ffmpeg, libdvdcss and libdvdnav packages you will be able to play dvd movie discs. The gstreamer-0.10* plugins and the w32codecs package will cater for other filetypes such as .wmv. Amarok uses the xine engine as opposed to the gstreamer engine used by the Gnome media players, I think a search for 'xine' in Synaptic will show you all the relevant packages.

On my machine aMule saves files to the /home/me/.aMule/Incoming directory which is hidden by default. You can make a symlink to this on your desktop by right-dragging the directory icon to your desktop.

Hope this helps.



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