On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 03:15:18 +0000, "Kris Douglas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Just referring to windows here, you can assign processes specific
> positions
> on CPU's can't you, I think it's actually set as the Affinity, like
> cpu0,1,2,3,4 depending on your configuration. Is this not possible with
> Ubuntu/ The Linux Kernel?
> Just wondering, normally Linux has something ahead of windows when it
> comes
> to this sort of thing..

I'm intrigued why you'd want to do that. The scheduler should
dynamically split processes up over however many processors you've got.  

It might be useful if you had hetrogenious processors and some processes
ran faster on some of the processors? Or is it an attempt to get round
the task switching delay when processes start by keeping cores clear for
Robert McWilliam     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.ormiret.com

Everything should be made as simple as possible - but no simpler.
        -- Albert Einstein


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