> The course I attended was at the Université Populaire in France.
> Ubuntu and Linux in general is very strong here. It is also used on
> business machines and commerce. They run course for that too and web
> site design.
> I am in the department 68 and we have an active LUG 68 where you can
> use the group as a drop in and take your PC for help & advice; there
> is also a monthly meeting and talk.
> I am not ageist but find the group a little young for me but I am
> never made to feel un-welcome.
> Also I have only learnt French in the last few years and all the
> courses I attend are in French. It is a bit like beating myself on the
> head but I like a challenge !

I wish I can have Ubuntu Course in Jakarta. 
The only available are Red Hat and OpenSuse.
The course that I took before were SMS Gateway with Mandrake and Network
Administration (Samba server, DNS server, DHCP server, Mail server and
VOIP server) with OpenSuse.

Taufan Lubis
Registered Ubuntu User #16660
The more you give to others, the more respect you get in return. 
My Articles@ www.taufanlubis.wordpress.com


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