On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 08:24:47AM +0000, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > Not to mention selling a machine with a default user name and password
> > already set up. That blows any idea that Ubuntu is secure right out of
> > the water!
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tony.
> Why on earth wouldn't the silly sods have run the install mode for OEMs 
> option?

I know the OEM option works well in recent releases, but given they 
installed Dapper, is it as reliable under that version. I don't know, I've 
never used it.

Perhaps they have a sensible reason for doing it this way. Perhaps... they 
don't actually give a monkeys what is installed, they just chose a Linux 
distro so they could omit windows and thus get an attractive price point.

> To be honest the whole affair sounds shocking. Is this a fluke/one off
> or are all of these esys PCs this badly configured?

Is it really that bad? 

Sounds like a typical out of the box install really.



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