Last week, after trying very hard, I managed to install a working version of Windows XP and then install a working version of Edubuntu. Success, I exclaimed and there things stayed over the week end, computer switched on but not in use, until this morning. In order to check another problem I needed to switch off and reboot the machine and this is what happened:-
Selected Shut Down and waited, just before finally shutting down I got a message telling me that 'video mode not supported', which lasted a second or so, and then the computer switched off. After waiting about 30 seconds I pressed the start button and, after a short wait with a blank screen, a menu appeared from which I selected Edubuntu. (Please note, there was no screen showing mother board details such as Intel.) I then got the message saying 'video mode not supported', which lasted for a second or so and then the screen asking for name appeared. I completed with name and password and when everything was fully loaded I again shut down the computer. As before, following the message 'video mode not supported', the computer switched off; 30 seconds wait, switch on, menu appeared, selected Windows XP and, after a short wait with a blank screen the dreaded blue screen appeared. (Please note, there was no error message about the video not being supported.) So, there you have it. I have spent the weekend under the delusion that I had successfully installed a dual boot system, on one hard drive, of Edubuntu and Windows XP. This raises the following questions:- Why no start up screen Why the video error message Why the dreaded blue screen Are these in some way connected There may be more but I can't think of any at the moment. Friends, I have very little hair left and, if this goes on much longer, I will be completely bald, which is not a good thing with the winter upon us. Please, please help me get things sorted. Norman --