< snip >

> I've found that educational games are a mixed bag (I have three 
> daughters aged 7, 5 and 18 months).  I have one set of educational 
> programs called something like 'PC Click and Learn'  which is created 
> using some Macromedia package (not Flash or Shockwave, I think it's 
> Authorware or something like that).  These programs wouldn't work under 
> Wine.  I got sound but no graphics.
> On the other hand I have a Reader Rabbit Keystage CD from about 
> 1999/2000 and that works well (apart from no music unless I setup Timidity).
> Would it not be possible to install something like VirtualBox and then 
> run Windows 98 or XP on top of that, or as mentioned before, dual boot 
> XP and Ubuntu?

We will dual boot as the most flexible.
> Maybe you could give her a few copies of The OpenEducationDisc to give 
> out to her friends as Christmas presents?  They could all then get to 
> grips with things like TuxPaint, TuxTyping and TuxMath (actually, I'm 
> not sure if they're all on there, I've been working on a custom branded 
> OpenDisc of my own which I'm going to distribute in my local area).

What a community spirited thing to do and one which I am sure will be



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