I thought about that... thing is, i have no idea why it has stopped. Its
has never happened to me before in 3-4 years of having remote servers,
so i wouldn't expect to need a cron job. I think having a cron job is
"paranoia" but then sometimes things do go wrong!!! And of course it
still doesn't help me right now cos i cant get in to set the job :)

I'm going to the datacentre next week to install a new server anyway, so
ill just put up with it till then...

On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 17:22 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
> You could always schedule a cron job to restart the sshd every 30
> minutes, if your server is a real worry...
> I don't believe killing the daemon aborts active sessions, so it's a
> fairly low risk strategy....
> Odd to have to do it, tho... :-o
> Sean


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