Quoting Sean Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> When I have to install Ubuntu on "challenged" boxes (ie. those with limited
> memory) I do miss the old Install CD or, indeeed, just an "Install" option
> on the grub menu that could avoid having to boot into the Live CD which is,
> by definition, rather memory-hungry.
> Would it be so difficult to have an "Install" option when the CD is first
> inserted, rather than having to do that?  The overheads of having to run the
> Live distro during the install process must be immense?  Whilst I appreciate
> the Live CD concept is great in showing people what they are going to have
> before they take the plunge, for people such as myself who install Ubuntu on
> lots of boxes it's just an annoyance.
> Thoughts?

The "alternative" CD still has this - best bet IMHO is to run the  
Alternate CD, type "server" at the grub prompt and then once the  
install has completed (if you need a GUI/Desktop) run:

#apt-get install ubuntu-desktop



Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Group Co-Ordinator
Thanet Linux User Group
GPG KEY: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16


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