Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi Mac,
> On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 14:04 +0000, Mac wrote:
>>      Twenty five.  What proportion of the whole membership is that, Al? 
>> About 20% (guessing)?
> We have about 450 members right now. 
> 5% response rate.
> Cheers,
> Al.

Al >>> Thanks for the info.  Just shows how wrong a guess can be!  And 
the response rate you provide - - give or take another 10%! - feels more 
like the relative level of laptop wifi use generally, if the content of 
the forums is any guide to a guestimate (not that my track record with 
guestimates is very impressive).

        If 10%-15% is about right, I wonder whether it goes some way to 
explaining why the kernel developers are, historically, perhaps a bit 
less bothered about wifi support:  not enough people affected;  not a 
crippling issue for the kernel.

        Let's hope the open wifi drivers project will make this area a bit 




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