Dougie Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 2007-11-03 at 09:39 +0000, Rob Beard wrote:
>> If all else fails, Lidl often do digital satellite kits which can pick 
>> up the Free to Air channels off the same satellites as what Sky Digital 
>> use.
> I bought one of these, meant for caravans but it is absolutely
> outstanding. When my Sky dish broke down for the umpteenth time I used
> it connected to the Sky box. I even took the thing out to Iraq with me a
> few years back.
> It is easy to set up to - You attach a compass device to it and aim it
> roughly at the satellite then the box emits a high pitched sound that
> gets louder with a good signal so you can position it.
> It picks up much more than Astra too, plenty of channels from around the
> world.

Ahh the one I was on about was a 60cm dish which is wall mounted, 
although now you mention it, I wonder if one for a caravan would be 
better.  I can't get Sky where I live because of some trees behind my 
house which 'supposedly' block the signal.  My dad got one of the Lidl 
packages so he could get Hotbird (he already has an existing receiver 
pointing to Astra), although I'll keep an eye out for one of those 
caravan kits.



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