This is a wonderful speed checker...
Has multiple places you can check speed to as, of course, the delay could be at the other end ;-) As for kbps and kb/s me old IT teacher taught me there were 8 bits in a byte... therefore maximum on 2mbps would be 2048kbps/8 which I reckons to be 256kb/s. However, if it's a home broadband connect remember that you probably have a contention ratio of 50:1 so if all your neighbours decided to go p2p together this could reduce to 256/50 which'd be a little over 5kb/s... back to dial-up speeds ;-) But it's rare that you'd get that much contention...what some ISPs do, however, under their "fair use policy", is group all the folks who use the most bandwidth together when it comes to contention... so all the happy folks who just browse share the 2mbps with 49 others who are just browsing and all the p2p and heavy downloaders end up contending with each other which really can cripple a connection... Sean