Chris Rowson wrote:
>> On the location, my feeling is that if you run it in London people in
>> the far north of the country may miss out because of the travelling
>> time, so somewhere in the middle, I think would be better.
>> Regards,
>> Tony.
>> -- 
> Agreed, Somewhere nice and central would be good. Birmingham seems
> pretty central to both north and south dwellers. Manchester is maybe a
> little more north (although not so far for me!) 
> Chris

Location is always going to be a cause for debate, and won't satisfy 
everyone. Bear in mind that there's no reason only one ubucon will be 
held in the UK; if the first one works, well, it'll be the first of many 
   and can be rotated around the country.

Personally, I'd like it to be in London because, well, that's where I 
am. It also has Ubuntu HQ, good rail connections, and lots of people.

Also, every free software event this year has been outside the capital: 
aKademy (Glasgow), Debconf (Edinburgh), Lug Radio Live (Wolves), Open 
Street Map (Manchester), Gnome (Birmingham). C'mon, let the Cockneys 
have a go!

Seriously, the single most important factor is that wherever UbuCon UK 
is held, there is a team of people on the ground, who can do the 
neccessary legwork. So if you propose a place, please consider how many 
people live there, and if you can offer any sort of accomodation for 
out-of-town helpers.



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