OK, so I have re-downloaded the iso - and the MD5sum checks out fine. I reinstalled it OK and everything looked fine - UNTIL i enabled the proprietry NVIDIA drivers for my 7200GS. I then got the same problems - exactly. Once I disabled them again evertyhing worked perfectly. I even tried using envy to install them ( www.ablertomilone.com) and the problem returned. A friend has suggested it might be an Open GL conflict somewhere along the lines, but I am at a loss on how to proceed now.

Any help would be awesome :)


Colin Wylie wrote:
Kirrus wrote:

----- "Colin Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

to the PC - the installer froze up at about 82% on the configuring apt
system freezing and locking up again. Finally (after a few google 
searches) I found a list of repositories, and tried via apt-get -
worked.  But as I don't know the names of all packages and
I want - this aint too good :(

So - has anyone else encountered this - or does it sound like I may have 
a hardware fault? It's driving me nuts. I really want to ditch Windows
for good, but only if it's gonna work!

It sounds like you *may* have a dodgy install cd... can you check the md5sums for your disc/*.iso file against what it should be?

There's a good how-to here:

(What the sum should look like can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes)



I'll give that a blast - but I did verify my CD from the  boot menu - and it said it was OK.


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