
I upgraded my mum's PC the other day using the auto update feature - very
smooth and my mum said she likes the new colour scheme in some places
and not in others so I talked her through changing the background.
The upgrade took a few hours to do - basically because I kicked the
process off and went home then we were back and forth using the telephone
line so she could click on yes/no between doing whatever mothers do :-)
If my 70+ old dear can use it and enjoy it then so can anybody :-)

Send her an email and make her day -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-)

Maybe an ubuntu-wrinkly or ubuntu-mums mailing list could be set up.


ubuntu/uk-2007-10-24.tx                                        ubuntu-uk
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| Necessity hath no law.                                                     |
|         -- Oliver Cromwell                                                 |


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