On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 08:09 +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007, Mac wrote:
> Hello Mac,
> Interesting coincidence with the name:  Apple's _Mac_ OSX also uses sudo!
> > Would it be possible / wise (for reasons of security) to remove the 
> > admin rights of the first user on the system
> Before the first time 'sudo' is used on an Ubuntu system, a message may have
> popped up with a link to the 'RootSudo' page:
>   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
> which covers many of the issues.  When 'sudo' is asked to perform a
> privileged command it checks for two things:
>   Authenication:   is the user who they say they are? (a password check).
>   Authorisation:   is the user allowed to? (in 'admin' group).  [0]
> You can tick and untick which users are allowed to run privileged commands,
> by adding or removing them from the special 'admin' group, in:
>   System->Administration->Users and Groups
> The first user on the system is automatically added to the 'admin' group, as
> otherwise it would be difficult to configure anything or setup more users!
> Hope that helps, and welcome!
>       -Paul
> [0] When you got to a bank and ask for 10,000GBP the bank will do similar
> checks: (a) compare your signature against the one on record, (b) ensure
> that you are listed on the account the money is being taken from.
> -- 
> Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Helsinki, FI
Taufan Lubis


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