Keith Cleaver wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Keith Cleaver wrote:
>>> John Levin wrote:
>>>> Just found this:
>>>> and
>>>> Anyone tried one?
>>>> John
>>> I thought only Dell were authorised to sell PC's with Ubuntu pre-installed?
>> Technically being free software anyone is allowed to preinstall Ubuntu. 
>> <snip>
>> Rob
> OK, thanks for clearing that up.
> It's a good move, but:
> 1) How many people buy a PC from Tesco in the first place?


> 2) Won't the Linux branding scare off a few people, especially if it's 
> something they haven't heard of before (which is likely)?

Most won't know until their local, helpful, MS-expert has a look at it 
and says, "This isn't windows......", which may lead to a large number 
of returns.

People choose Microsoft Windows for their PC in the same manner
that the citizens of Soviet Russia elected the General Secretary
of the Communist Party during the cold war.


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