Chris Rowson wrote:
> It'd be interesting for people to put their money where their mouth's
> are, and tell us what they do for a living and what their level of
> qualification is. It's the only real way to see if having a degree
> makes a difference or not.
> Anyone who is currently on a degree course is of course going to say
> that it's the best way forward, as alternately anyone who hasn't got
> one is going to say it doesn't matter...
> I'll start the ball rolling...
> Chris - No Degree - Second line support engineer (although I've
> recently started working a in job which involves project coordination,
> service reviews etc etc)

BS in EE minor in Applied Physics.

various support or development positions with Nortel, ICL, EDS, Siemens 
and contracts with JP Morgan, Sybase, Royal Sun, Sun Microsystems

The only skill I acquired during formal training that has served me over 
the years (I'm 59) was touch typing which I was taught in high school 
when I was 17.  All other skills are either
a) out of date and/or not useful in today's computing environments
b) self taught/acquired on the job

People choose Microsoft Windows for their PC in the same manner
that the citizens of Soviet Russia elected the General Secretary
of the Communist Party during the cold war.


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