We use old laptops as servers for some tasks, mostly IBM ThinkPads because they're very well supported in Ubuntu and because they last for years. You don't get the performance you'd expect from a full-size unit and expansion/redundancy options are limited, but in this context (home networks) they're ideal. Power savings have already been mentioned, but note that you can also run an average laptop from AA batteries, solar panels, wind turbines etc, making mains power more a convenience than a necessity.


Kris Douglas wrote:

On 03/10/2007, *Philip Newborough* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    On 03/10/2007, Mark Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    > > I've got a laptop with a broken screen as my home server. Got
    it for
    > > free from a family member but they are dirt cheap and fleabay.
    Its got
    > > 80GB storage, integrated UPS, (very) low power consumption and
    > > speedstep enabled on the CPU and laptop-mode enabled on the
    hard disk
    > > its very quiet. Ideal home server even if I say so myself ;).
    Of course
    > > it can't do stuff like be a MythTV backend but it streams
    media happily
    > > enough. Oh and it has wifi built in so I can put it anywhere
    with a
    > > power outlet. (on a shelf somewhere or in a cupboard.
    > I have a number of mates who install "home automation" stuff (web
    > control of lights, multi-room audio and so on.)
    > Quite a few of them have moved to laptops for the "home control
    > because of their ability to handle short power outages gracefully!
    > For my home servers, I use some Via ITX stuff from
    www.linitx.com <http://www.linitx.com>
    Talking of laptops for servers, I purchased an old and quite battered
    Satellite Pro laptop from  a local place that deals with redundant
    City Council equipment. I paid £50 for it and use it to run Ubuntu
    server 6.06 LTS. I've had it about a year now, it runs my cron jobs
    [the main reason I bought it] and SSH server so that I can connect to
    my home network when at work. It's battery holds just enough charge to
    keep it going through a power cut -- which beats having to get an
    expensive UPS.
    ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>

I've always thought about that, think of the money you could save and the space you could save if you used laptops as servers, you can stack them 4 high and have all you need. They have batteries for backup and you can get 250gig drives for them, what more could you need? Oh yea, integrated display , keyboard and mouse.....

Kris Douglas
      Softdel Limited Hosting Services

      Web: www.softdel.net <http://www.softdel.net>

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