On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 21:56 +0100, David Morley wrote:
> It pays no money you get little thanks but it is important.  If you
> feel you could step into Nik's shoes and basically pass info from mail
> onto the group then sign up now for this amazing position.
> Seriously People.  If you are a regular on the irc channel then now is
> the time to step forward and make yourself known.  This job involves
> getting info in form of emails etc and passing the info on to the
> group (Ubuntu-Uk)  to be voted on and discussed.  You are basically
> just a contact point for anyone and everyone.
> So Bravely step forward and volunteer for this most prominent role and
> enjoy the adulation you receive.

Can the candidates that wish to stand, please add their name to this
wiki page:

Maybe add, a brief description and what the candidate can bring to the

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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