It is weird... I work with an IT department of say around a hundred people. Of which, not one IT degree educated person knows how to administer a Linux system. The only people who will do anything with Linux, Unix etc are the fiddlers and hackers (mostly no degree or Uni drop-outs).
We run a Windows based infrastructure where these people will not administer or implement software unless they have attended a training course specialising in it. This kind of beggars the question, what is the point of making a degree a requirement for someone in systems support/administration? In my experience, I'd take 1 god to honest geek over 5 random comp sci graduates any day of the week. Of course you do see geeks who go on to uni to follow their interests which is also good too. I'd wouldn't put the impetus on holding a degree however, I know too many people with 'em who've had to ask for help recovering Windows XP ;-) Cheers Chris --