
On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 10:38 +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:

> > What do you mean by 'lack of control'? Just curious.
> ** end quote [Tony Arnold]
> When I first looked into Bittorrent you could limit the amount of
> bandwidth it used, but not the amount of data transferred. I guess by
> limiting one you do have some element of control over the other, but not
> a lot. Also, from my first experiments, until you've shared a decent
> amount of files you don't get anywhere near the speed of download that
> you get with a straight download of a half decent server. I think my
> first attempt was with Debian, although I could be wrong. I set things
> up to download an ISO of around the 600M ish mark and left it over
> night. The initial speed estimated a download time of around 4 days, but
> I assumed that this would improve as things progressed and I was sharing
> out also. When I returned to it some 12 hours later it had downloaded
> around 25M and had improved the estimate to about a day and a half. That
> seemed to imply that you only managed to get a good download speed if
> you left your connection open 24/7 for others to use, and after a few
> days or weeks you would start to be seen as a good seed and hence get
> improved download speeds.

My experience has been better than that. Certainly at work, I've got
very good download speeds, but at home it has been pathetic. I
discovered my ISP (Pipex) throttles BitTorrent to about 20KB/s whereas a
full HTTP download will go at full speed.

I think there may be more to it than just whether you are a good seed or

> I've just found that Opera seems to have a bittorrent client built in,
> so I'm going to experiment by opening up the required port, although
> it'll take a bit of configuration on my routers and firewalls to get it
> through to me now - not such a simple network setup as I used to have.

Azureus is regarded as the dogs wotsits of BitTorrent clients. I use the
Gnome BitTornado, but my requirements are fairly simple (i.e.,
downloading an ISO images of Ubuntu!)

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039


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