I've got a Motorola V220 mobile, and I bought a £2 USB cable for it 
instead of forking out £30+ to buy one from Motorola bundled with their 
Windows software...

I subsequently got the Motorola software in a rather strange online deal 
where I can have the software free if I sign up to 'EasyCinema' (from 
the same people as EasyJet) and spend £7. However, it makes my heart 
bleed to have to boot Windows just to communicate with my mobile so I 
was very pleased to find 'Moto4Lin':


Has anyone else used this?

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rowett Research Institute,          |    http://www.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687


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