
On 8/13/07, Ian Pascoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josh
> If you're feeling daring, and my apologies as I'm tight on time tonight,
> there was either an article or a development annoucement on Linux Weekly
> News on either 02/08/07 or the week previous about an app that could be run
> instead of iTunes.
> If not, apologies as I'm trying to multi-task tonight; ever a good thing.
> E

Managed to find a link to a howto forge page
(http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_amarok_ipod) explaining how to (ha!)
use amarok for my iPod, which seems now to work, including creating
new playlists. Only thing is, every time I plug it in, Rhythmbox
starts up. Oh well - I think Amarok wins it.

Thanks everyone for your help,

Josh Blacker


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